Final report cards for Grade K-8 students will be available to view on Parent Portal on June 28th at 3:30. To access your child’s report card, please visit HSD Parent Portal at this link: Parent Portal The on-line Parent Portal is the divisional default delivery method for report cards.
The Lost and Found will be set up in the front foyer on June 26 & 27th. Please stop by or have your kids look for any items that may belong to them. After this date, any unclaimed items will be donated to a local charity.
SUMMER FUN DAY YEAR END PICNIC Our annual summer fun day will be on Thursday, June 27th. The PAC and schoolare working together to put on this special event. Students will participate in various events with their class. Teachers will supervise their own classes. Lunch At 11:45, classes will begin to make their way to the Picnic Shelter on the Rec. Center grounds. Pre-ordered food will be available. PAC has organized a picnic meal of either a Wendy’s Double Jr.… Read More